Credit Ratings 101信用评级基本常识Credit ratings help investors differentiate between bonds with higher credit risk—those assigned a lower credit rating—and lower credit risk—those with a higher credit rating. Because investors are compensated for holding credit risk, higher-rated bonds earn a lower yield. The top of the credit rating spectrum, so-called investment-grade bonds, is bracketed by AAA—the safest credit rating—at one end and BAA (on the Moody’s rating scale) or BBB (on the S&P rating scale, equivalently) at the other. Throughout this post, we refer both to bonds rated BAA by Moody’s and those rated BBB by S&P as having a BAA rating.
责任编辑:吴化章来源:图表家Surf City分析师称,美元虽然脱离了今年2月触及的中间周期和年周期(YCL)低点,但现已开始寻找下一个5-6个月的中间周期(ICL)低点。日线级别上,美元指数上周五K线形成看跌反转形态,且第9天(D.9)收盘于10日均线下方。收于10日均线下方通常意味着价格将迈向短交易周期或日周期低点(TCL/DCL),这应该会给美元测试200日均线(92附近)提供充足的时间。
The difference between the yield on AAA-rated bonds and the yield on BAA-rated bonds with similar maturities issued by firms with similar characteristics captures the willingness of investors to hold exposure to corporate credit risk. All else equal, a wider BAA–AAA spread indicates a diminished willingness of investors to bear credit risk. In the lead-up to recessions, investors reallocate their portfolios toward safer securities, as they become more concerned about holding credit risk. As a result, the BAA–AAA spread increases in the lead-up to recessions (see chart below), making the spread a useful indicator of the health of the economy.